Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Guest blog by Kate Lynd

So it’s November 6th. Where was I four years ago when history was made and the United States of America’s first black president was elected? And by the way what the heck does that have to do with my scifi erotic romance Bounty Hunter, bear with me and you’ll see.

Four years ago I was still a journeyman writer. Aspiring to land my first contract in the publishing world. I was without a blog with a fair to middlin’ facebook and twitter following. I knew how to network, I knew how to pitch, yet had no way to attend those Conferences and Conventions  everyone was saying I needed to go to because I was on disability clearing about $8,000 a year, was on foodstamps, and was proudly pooling resources with another aspiring writer at the time and lived in an apartment  in Kentucky. Which meant, when I voted for Barack Obama in 2008 my vote was a dim voice in a cacophony of deep red voters who were misguided enough to vote for John McCain who had chosen Sarah Palin, a real wackadoo, as a running mate. In 2008 I was PROUD to vote for Barack Obama. He represented someone I might know. Indeed he did represent someone I did know. He was a biracial man who’d been raised in part by his white grandparents. My nephew was 11 years old at the time.

My sister Brandy was, and still is a hard working single mother doing the best she knows how. Roy, his father, is still on relatively good terms with the family. So again, what’s all this got to do with a book, my book, Bounty Hunter? Well, when I’m talking about my book on my blog I’ll often talk about what inspired it. The movie Cowboys & Aliens and Daniel Craig with his cool as ice portrayal of gunslinger Jake Lonergan who works with his human nemesis to defeat a greater evil, the aliens.

Bounty Hunter tells the tale of Logan Mitchell Jr. a half-breed human-alien who must decide save his half-breed bounty, or follow his heart and rise above his anger and marginalization by members of both sides of his family tree and save her.

In future earth half-breeds are portrayed as outsiders, the other, not trusted or wanted, but used by humans and aliens alike. As I got deeper into writing Bounty Hunter, I was pulled to thoughts more and more of our president and my nephew. Of how certain elements of a certain party was so angry, that not just a man, but this man, a biracial man, a black man, a socially liberal, fiscally daring democrat had won the election and there was nothing they could do about it. Seeing him elected gave me hope. Not that he’d answer to all his promises, you have to have a cooperative Congress to do that, but hope that children like my nephew would see in Obama someone like himself and perhaps dream that anything was possible.

Logan, in Bounty Hunter, is one because there aren’t many careers open to half-breeds. And he is exceptionally good at it. And when the Lonegals come knocking and asking for him to capture a recently escaped half-breed Logan spews his venom on a Lonegal general asking him if he knew how much the general disgusted him. And then laments of course he doesn’t.

Logan makes heroic choices and sacrifices in the name of love, in the name of doing the right thing, and in the process makes a lot of people angry. Obama has made sacrifices in the name of doing the right thing and there are elements who would discredit his him and his tough choices, people who would deny that 47% their rights. Are people so filled with rage and hate from times long ago that they can’t come into the 21st century and realize women have rights too, that everyone deserves to be with who they want, and that having a fair shot doesn’t mean mommy and daddy buying me a car and paying my way?

Bounty Hunter is, at its core, a love story. But it’s also about how the other is treated in society even when people know better. And how even if you look different you love the same way, hurt the same hurts, and dream the same dreams. Please, when you go to the polls in the United States to vote today, wherever you are, whoever you vote for, don’t let your prejudices and fears outweigh your common sense.

Bounty Hunter
Kate Lynd

Genre: Sci-fi erotic romance

Publisher: Hydra Publications

Number of pages: 142
Word Count: 41,559
Cover Artist: Frank Hall           

Book Description:

Dare to fall in love. Dare to change the world.

Logan Mitchell doesn’t like to mess around when it comes to business. He is a rarity, a half-breed human/alien who has survived the purge. The product of an illicit affair between a charismatic human rebel and a sympathetic female alien from the planet Lonegal he is an outsider. He is a bounty hunter, and he is the best at what he does.

Enslaved from the age of fifteen, Alabama Newsome is a half-breed who’s managed to escape once and exact her revenge on the killer of her human mother and Lonegal father. Labeled a terrorist she was recaptured, tortured, and made to suffer for her actions. With the help of Logan’s imprisoned father she escapes once again and General Runyon wants her back. She’s pregnant with his child and he’s sure she’ll abort it.

When her case file comes across Logan’s desk he’s forced to deal with the truth mixed in with the lies. And he must decide, bring her in, or risk everything just to save her life.

 Author Bio:

Kate Lynd is an award winning blogger and 2nd place finisher in the 2011 Preditors & Editors Reader’s Choice Award for Best Romance Short Story for No Ordinary Love. She also writes as Amy McCorkle. Her books include 2012 Moondance International Film Festival Semi-Finalist Another Way to Die, and Set Fire to the Rain. GLADIATOR is her most recent release with Bounty Hunter, her first print book due out in October.

Her official website is http://AmyLMcCorkleKentuckyAuthor.webs.com, reviews, guest posts, and her random thoughts are posted at her blog, http://Creative-Chatter.blogspot.com, and she is peppered all over Facebook and Twitter under Amy Leigh McCorkle and @Kate_Lynd.

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