Thursday, December 19, 2013

Interview and Giveaway Just Live, Juliette! By Stephanie Andrassy

Please share a little about yourself, your genres, any other pen names you use.

I am a coffeeholic author with a soft-spot for romance.  To date, my work falls within the fantasy romance (Noble Lies) and paranormal romance genres (The White Peacock, Just Live, Juliette!, Rocks Don’t Cry - a.k.a. The Home Series); however, I don’t consider myself a genre writer and have plans for some contemporary romances and women’s fiction down the road. 

Tell us a little about your latest or upcoming release.

Just Live, Juliette! is a paranormal romance novel set against the backdrop of the afterlife.  A journey of discovery, the story explores the possibilities of the day-to-day landscape of that parallel world through the eyes of a young, twenty-eight-year-old woman named Juliette.  The novel continues the journey that began in my short story, The White Peacock, which is included as the first chapter (and is also available as a free ebook at major ebook retailers).

Are you a mom (or parent)?  If yes do you find it hard to juggle writing and parenting?

I am mom to three amazing munchkins - teenage twins and a pre-teen.  I’m sure that every parent could confess to having good days and bad days when it comes to juggling the rewarding role of being mom or dad with the other things in life they wish to experience or must tackle, and I’m no different.  Some days things work smoothly and other days I’m running off my feet and accomplishing very little, but in the long run - I wouldn’t trade it for anything. 

When my children were younger and less independent, it just wasn’t possible to spend time staring at a computer screen before they headed to bed for the night.  But with an earlier bedtime and a solid routine in place, I was able to enjoy a pretty-much guaranteed block of evening “me time” in the quiet calm of the house.  I wrote self-imposed deadlines in my calendar in pen.

Now that they’re a bit older and spending more time focusing independently on their own interests, I can slip into my writing bubble when they’re around, although it’s definitely not guaranteed and they love sneaking up on my with sharp objects.  And with later bedtimes which may or may not happen at a consistent time each evening depending on - oh a long, long list - I’m finding that life isn’t as predictable.  Even though I’m enjoying their increased independence, I find that I’m now in “the pencil years” of parenting; I no longer write those self-imposed deadlines in my calendar in pen, and I don’t sweat it when I’m pulling out my eraser.

Have you ever based your book or characters on actual events or people from your own life?

(Cue evil laughter)  Actual events - no.  Actual people - of course.  It’s easier to write a personality trait you’re already familiar with.  Now, there isn’t a single character in any of my books that represents a single person in my own life, but there are definitely personality traits and behaviors pulled from countless real-life sources that make up each of my imaginary friends and enemies.  And since I tend to have more imaginary friends than enemies in my writing, I guess you could say that’s an accurate reflection of the wonderful people in my own life.

Of all the characters you’ve ever written, who is your favorite and why?

My characters are like my children - I could never pick a favorite - but there are different things about their unique personalities that I quite enjoy.

In the women:  Jez (Noble Lies) may be young and naive about some things, but she has a heart of gold, and despite her own troubles, manages to summon an inner maturity and selflessness.  Juliette (Just Live, Juliette!) is analytical and cautious - after being burnt in previous relationships, she’s keeping her eyes wide open.  Melissa (Just Live Juliette! and Rocks Don’t Cry) is calm, casual, and far from being prone to dramatics, although her tendency towards keeping things to herself doesn’t always work out so well for her.  Joanie (Just Live Juliette!) is perky and fun and bouncy and energetic - a true extrovert.

In the men:  Michael (Noble Lies) is handsome, a true noble gentleman, and capable of such deep emotions.  Vincent (Noble Lies) is very attractive, has a wild spirit, and loves to have a great time.  Miles (Just Live, Juliette!) is a hot, book editing, guitar playing, singing, pickup truck driving good guy who just needs to chill.  Kevin (Just Live, Juliette!) is a hot, blue-eyed blond draped in mystery with a love for fast cars.  Tim, Willy, Sam...oh, there’s a long list of hot guys in The Home Series - I should stop there before I spoil something.

If this book is part of a series…what is the next book? Any details you can share?

Just Live, Juliette! is the first book in The Home Series.  I had originally intended the story to be a stand-alone, but it was so well-received by my awesome team of beta readers...  Well, it was actually their idea to continue the story and create a series.  I threw out the intended epilogue and continued writing.

We met a lot of characters in Just Live, Juliette! and they all have a story to tell.  The plan is to write four books (and maybe, maybe, maybe a fifth) - each told from the perspective of one of the key characters.  The second book, Rocks Don’t Cry, was released in October 2013, and while it isn’t as wild a journey as the one in Just Live, Juliette!, I’m thrilled with how the storyline matches Melissa’s personality and experience.  Melissa and Juliette are definitely not peas in a pod in the way they think and react and approach life.  It’s a lot of fun to crawl into another character’s head - I love how it flavors and challenges the writing process. 

What is next for you? Do you have any scheduled upcoming releases or works in progress?

At the moment, I have two works-in-progress - the sequel to Noble Lies and the third book in The Home Series - both of which are planned for release in 2014.  I’ve never attempted to work on two different stories at the same time so we’ll have to see how that works out.  One may end up getting set aside for a short while so I can focus on the other.  

Just Live, Juliette!
The Home Series
Book 1
Stephanie Andrassy

Genre:Paranormal Romance

Date of Publication: May 28, 2013
ISBN: 9780991715718

Number of pages: 591

Word Count: 214,500

Amazon      iTunes      BN

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Book Description:

You never know what the morning after has in store for you, especially after drinks at a bar, a perfect man, and a night of the best sex you have ever experienced. Rather than dancing through a field of daisies, Juliette may be pushing them up instead. She awakes to a world where everything is familiar and nothing is what it appears to be; where the key to endless love is learning to just live.

This is the first book in the Home series; a journey which began with the short story, "The White Peacock", included for your convenience and reading pleasure.

The White Peacock, is available from Smashwords and all major ebook retailers.  It is included at the beginning of Just Live, Juliette!, but if you like to collect cover art, feel free to download it as a separate file from Smashwords or your favorite ebook retailer.

"Juliette was the first to arrive for girl's night out at The White Peacock; a dull bar promising a lack of men on the prowl. She attracted many, yet felt they just weren't worth meeting, and after her last two disastrous dating efforts, a quiet bar suited her just fine. But in life, change is the only certainty. It is inevitable, in fact, and in the blink of an eye, her life would change forever."

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About the Author:

Stephanie Andrassy is the coffeeholic author of Noble Lies, a fantasy romance, as well as the paranormal romance Home series.  Beginning with the free short story, The White Peacock, the journey within this supernatural series continues in Just Live, Juliette! (Home Series #1) and Rocks Don’t Cry (Home Series #2), and will be joined by at least two further books.

She holds a B.A. from the University of Guelph and presently resides in southern Ontario, Canada with her family.  An avid reader of romance, fantasy, drama, women's literature, suspense, and non-fiction; she’s been writing for her own personal pleasure since she was a child - a life-long love affair with the written word.

Readers are anticipating further new releases in 2014, including a sequel to Noble Lies and the next book in The Home Series.



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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you, Wenona, for the interview and for having Just Live, Juliette! on your site today. Happy holidays! :)