Tuesday, October 15, 2024

How I Made Artful Tables from Salvaged Wood by Kit Karlsson

How I Made Artful Tables from Salvaged Wood

Hi, I’m Kit Karlsson, writer of monster girls and fantastical adventures. I’m also somewhat handy and a big fan of learning new things. 

When I moved into my first apartment alone during law school, my taste for nice things conflicted with my limited budget. I had a specific aesthetic in mind – warm industrial with an edge of rustic and a pinch of the 1960s – and decided that the best way for me to the tables I wanted was to make them myself. I’d never done this before, but after some research, I gave it a try. I outsourced some of the drilling to my father, but the process itself was simple!

This is what I did to create live-edge wooden tables in my apartment:

1) Find wood to use for the surface(s). Sure, you could go buy wood from the store, but if you want interesting wood textures or shapes, you may need to look for salvaged wood. I lucked out – there was a guy locally who was an engineer by trade but salvaged wood as a hobby. When a tree went down in a storm, he’d be out the next day with a chainsaw to load it onto his truck. He even built his own kiln. Cool guy. But basically, he was selling a TON of really cool looking salvaged wood.

 I wanted my wood to be beautiful in an imperfect way (like my character, Alessi), so I looked for visually interesting pieces. Things like worm holes or even mildew can give the wood incredible color and texture variation. The piece of wood I chose for my coffee table had come from a twisted, scarred, and worm-eaten part of the tree and might be the most aesthetically pleasing thing I own. If you’re using salvaged wood like I was, make sure it’s thick enough to be structurally sound, and only used kiln dried/aged wood or you might also have some new, six-legged roommates.

2) Process the wood. If it’s rough and you want it smooth, you might need to plane and sand it. If it’s smooth and you want it rough (heh), I don’t know how to help you. Basically, here you get the wood looking how you want. I sanded and stained my tables since I wanted a slightly darker color, then coated them with polyurethane so they wouldn’t be damaged by water. You can leave your table totally raw and natural, too – that’s the beauty of DIY.

3) Acquire legs. You could use wooden legs, even cut them from a branch if you want. However, I wanted hairpin legs for a little mid-century spin on my side and entry tables, and trapezoidal legs for my coffee table. They turned out wonderfully. 

4) Attach legs to table. I needed a drill and some small metal plates to level one twisted corner.

My family members helped me choose the wood and sand the pieces, leaving us with positive memories. Creating tables was an excellent way to have fun together, save money, make good use of salvaged wood and end up with unique pieces I get compliments on to this day. 

If you try this at home, please wear goggles and follow common sense and standard safety procedures you can find online. I am not responsible for any injuries that may occur, and sawdust in the eye makes for a bad time

Wanderer of the Wastes
Kit Karlsson

Genre: Fantasy Romance
Publisher: Lake Country Press
Date of Publication: October 29, 2024
Number of pages: roughly 300
Word Count: 97,700
Cover Artist: Fay Lane

Tagline: In a world where magic can save or shatter, Kol Mendona must survive lethal secrets—and an even deadlier love—as he discovers he might not be as human as he believed…

Book Description:

Kol Mendona, one of the last humans on the magical continent of Alon, is desperate to escape his dying underground compound. When Alessi, a fierce dragon slayer with silver eyes, arrives, Kol sees a way out.  As they journey together through the deadly wastes, an unexpected bond forms between them – one fueled by passion and dangerous magic. 
But as Kol’s strange new powers awaken, their bond becomes increasingly unstable. Something within him is changing in ways he doesn’t fully understand, and if Alessi ever discovers the truth, Kol may lose more than her affections…

Excerpt 1:

“If you take me with you, I’ll do anything,” he said. To buy Astor some time. To get out of there.

She opened the door and pushed him out, preparing to close it again, but he put his foot in it.

“Anything?” she asked.


“That’s a dangerous word when there are fates worse than death.” She tilted her head again to the side, an amused look on her face. “You’re a strange man, Kol.” She slammed the door, and he was alone in the darkness.

About the Author:
Kit enjoyed writing as a child and rediscovered her passion during the COVID-19 lockdown. She has a degree in finance from Southern Methodist University and recently graduated from Georgetown University Law Center, where she was the administrative editor of an academic publication. When she’s not writing, you can find her running barefoot, taming stray cats, or listening to paranormal podcasts.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Release Day Blitz - Six Degrees of Separation by Amanda Mackey

Writing with Kids….how do you juggle family life and writing?

It’s not easy! My kids are now 22 and 24 but I’ve been writing since before they were born. 

It’s all about balance. Some days all you want to do is write but you can’t so you have to manage your time and share it around. 

I also work 4 days per week so it’s extra hard. Mostly it’s at night and some time on my days off. 

Six Degrees of Separation
Amanda Mackey

Genre: Romance
Publisher: Amanda Mackey
Date of Publication: 5th October, 2024
Number of pages: 223
Word Count: 62,855

Tagline: What if the distance between you and your soulmate was 6 people?

Book Description: 

What do you do when you find yourself in a midlife crisis at forty after leaving an abusive marriage?

You buy a cheap villa in Italy and leave everything you knew behind to live in a remote town, perched on top of a hill, with nothing but a suitcase full of clothing.

Oh, and did I mention the only Italian word I know is ciao?

I question my sanity as I sit at forty thousand feet, seven hours into the flight.

But as soon as I reach my destination, I realize I've made the right decision.

My villa is everything I hoped for, apart from needing some TLC, but with my divorce money, I plan on turning it into a home. My home. My sanctuary.

When I find a cabinet in the garage left by the previous elderly owner, with a letter inside, I get my real estate agent and only acquaintance to translate it for me.

What she reveals is insane to say the least.

The letter is from a woman in search of her soulmate who had heard about a theory called Six Degrees of Separation. A crazy notion that everyone on the planet is connected by six people.

Method: Send out six letters to people you know who when forward them to six people they know. Continue the process six times and it'll reach your intended person.

By some miracle, the woman managed to meet the great love of her life and live happily ever after.

So, when my agent and budding friend talks me into testing the theory, I'm not expecting anything to happen. It can't be that easy, right? Plus, I don't know six people in Italy.
But she does.

And so, we send out the letters, partly as a joke and partly to see if it actually works.

But in the meantime, fate intervenes.

It's in the form of a younger man who steals my breath. A man I never saw coming.

It would seem we're not connected by six people, but two.

What then happens to the handsome stranger who replies to my letter?

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A very handsome waiter approaches us, all masculine energy and charm. With his arrival comes stronger pinpricks under my skin. It’s akin to getting zapped in winter from static. But as I glance around the restaurant, everyone else is carrying on as normal so I sit and try to act normal as I look up at the sexy as sin man. I’d peg him as thirty perhaps. Ebony, silky hair, styled back off his face. Deep eyes, Roman nose and full lips. What is it with Italian men? Are they all attractive at this age?

My eyes fully appraise him as my pulse jackhammers. My neck feels flushed, causing beads of sweat to form. God, can he see my reaction? I’m mesmerized like a hormonal teen, riveted to the spot.

His full smile adds to his beauty and for a moment even Bianca remains mute as he greets us. There’s a presence about him I can’t define. It’s that certain something that ‘just is’. The X Factor. Energy is pouring off him and I’m in the line of fire. Can someone please bring me a cold glass of water? Or an industrial fan?

She quickly recovers though and offers a ‘ciao’ which I robotically mimic, enthralled by his rugged beauty up close. The flickering light of the candle on our table, catches his high cheek bones and full mouth, stealing my attention for way too long. His short-sleeved black shirt fails to cover a tattoo which disappears up his forearm.

“Do you speak English?” Bianca asks for my benefit, a little too loudly might I add. When I peek at her, she’s wearing a knowing expression, right eyebrow raised, lips tipped up. Her foot taps mine under the table. When did she begin staring at me like that? Probably when I answered him like Siri.

“Of course. I’m fluent. I’ve been learning it since high school. Would you like a drink first?” That voice. Every syllable and word hit me front and center. The tone sounds like a deep lullaby I could be rocked to sleep with. Sheesh. What is happening with me tonight? Am I hormonal? My menstrual cycle is on point, my period not due for another two weeks so it can’t be that. If this heat doesn’t settle down, I’ll need to step into the bathroom to splash cold water on my face. I’m pretty sure the restaurant is air-conditioned too.

I look back to the waiter who is blatantly ignoring Bianca and watching me with his shockingly beautiful eyes. Eyes one could stare into if they wished to find all the answers of the universe. Eyes which see right through you and invoke a sense of belonging. As if you’ve seen them before. Familiar. Comforting. Ones I want to dive into and never leave.

They’re turning me into a hot mess. I need to get my act together. I’m acting so out of character. Like a schoolgirl, not a forty-year-old divorcee. My hands fidget on my lap as I glance around the room. It’s not big. A cozy, intimate space with guests lined up outside the door like we were moments ago. I count the tables. Fifteen. That’s all. I’m guessing they need to expand soon. Either that, or they want to keep it the way it is.

My eyes are drawn back to Mr. Handsome as he flicks his attention from Bianca and back to me again. It truly is getting too unbearably hot in here.

“Two glasses of your best wine. And would it be possible to have a garlic bruschetta?”

“Sure. Let me get that for you.” Finally he turns and saunters back to the kitchen, leaving me with heated cheeks and a flutter in my belly. But as soon as he’s gone, the temperature cools back down to normal. That’s strange. Is he running a fever? Does his body temperature run abnormally high all the time?

“Maybe he’s the one,” Bianca laughs. “He was checking you out.”

“And clearly younger than me. He was probably just being friendly to the tourist.”

But I doubt my own words. Men don’t make prolonged eye contact if they aren’t interested. Pity we’re leaving the day after tomorrow. I’d probably come back just to see his face again. A girl can dream. But how can he possibly be the one? Not the first hot Italian guy to speak to me. It couldn’t be that easy.

About the Author:

Amanda Mackey was born in NZ and moved to Australia as a child with her family. She’s been living in sunny Queensland ever since. An avid reader as a child, writing became an extension of that. She wrote her first book in her twenties, but it would take a further sixteen years to get her book published. That first book was the catalyst for her writing career, and she now has penned book number twenty. 

Amanda is both traditionally, and self-published and writes in multiple genres. She hopes to make writing her full time career. 

Next year Amanda and the cover model on Six Degrees of Separation, Alejandro Salomone who plays Nico in the book, are travelling to Italy, where the book is set, to film some of the scenes so stay tuned for that!

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Friday, October 4, 2024

Other Worlds by Kay Freeman - Haunted Halloween Spooktacular

Luna Lord’s Recipe for Healthy Carrot Muffins 

for Humans and Werewolves


¾ cp of gluten-free flour
½ cp of almond, rice or banana flour
⅔ cp dark brown sugar 2 tb raisins (optional)
2 tsp ground cinnamon 1 tsp ground nutmeg
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda pinch of salt
2 large eggs
⅓ cp of melted butter or choice of oil 1 tb of vanilla extract
4 medium carrots, grated (about 2 cups)
½ cp crushed pineapple


Preheat oven to 350 degrees and spray muffin tins or line muffin tins with paper liners if using.

Whisk all dry materials together. In another medium lightly whisk the egg, then whisk in the butter or oil and vanilla extract

Quickly and lightly fold the wet ingredients into the dry ones with a rubber spatula. Stir in the carrots and pineapple until everything is evenly mixed. The batter will appear thick. Divide it up into the muffin tins, evenly. Bake until brown and toothpick comes out clean, approximately 30 minutes. Take out of tins after five minutes and cool on rack. These are great warm but they can be eaten cool as well. These freeze well too and can be reheated in the microwave.

Muffins are about 180 calories a piece, approximately, and calories will fluctuate depending on oil and flour chosen.



Other Worlds
Kay Freeman

Genre: A Gothic Romantasy
Publisher: Kay Freeman LLC
Date of Publication: September 1, 2024 
Number of pages: 202
Word Count: 77, 320

Cover Artist: Consuela Parra 

Tagline:  Run with Wolves or Fly with Immortals? A Love Story Written in Blood.

Book Description:

After Luna's world shatters, she seeks refuge in the mystical town of Assisi, Italy. Passions run high in this supernatural realm. Luna is irresistibly drawn to a gothic villa teeming with secrets and danger, owned by a vampire who offers her immortality. Nearby, a werewolf pack leader stalks her in the forest, determined to claim her as his mate. Torn between these new loves and her past one—her famous soon-to-be ex-husband—and her passion for photography, Luna sets out to discover what makes life worth living.

Join Luna on a perilous journey of desire and destiny in a novel that weaves contemporary gothic themes with fantasy. Enemies to Lovers, Beauty and the Beast, and Love Triangle tropes.

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This one’s perfect… similar to the model in the Botticelli painting Birth of Venus and the evil one who took his son. She has a long, narrow face, alabaster skin, and golden-brown hair that shines in the sun.

Just like her.

King crouches, blending in with the low-hanging branches of the donkey killer plant. He’s been stalking the woman on the bike path since yesterday morning. It’s a popular path with bikers, connecting the towns of Assisi and Spoleto in Umbria. It’s December now, though, and too cold, which explains why she is the only one currently on it. The woman’s faded blue jeans and turquoise flannel shirt make her easy to track.

Yesterday, she sat under a sprawling pine tree, its thick branches casting dark shadows on her face as she wrote a letter. The paper covered her lap. She attacked it with her pen, each stroke seemed more violent than the last until she tore the letter into pieces. Her chest heaved and then, after she had calmed down, she wrote another. When she finished, she read it aloud, her voice breaking as tears streamed down her cheeks. She begged her boyfriend to send money.

After pushing her completed version into an envelope, the woman walked to town, speaking to herself the whole way before she mailed it. Then she trudged back to her tent in the woods and got drunk, passing out, her desperation revealing itself once more. King had slept while she slept, only coming to when her movements awakened him this morning.

Now she stops to fetch the last of her wine from her backpack and smokes reefer while she hikes, making her more vulnerable. She’s probably on her way back to her tent, the one she slept in last night. The flimsy canvas is no barrier or protection from him or anything else. How silly for her to be out here alone.

Victor King is alone, too. That’s seldom the case. Most of the time, he travels with others from his pack, but right now, they’re back in the cave. If they had been here, King wouldn’t be able to do what he’s about to.

Once he traps her, he’ll call his friend Matteo, a human. Matteo promised to give King five million lire for any woman he traps and gives him. King will use the money to buy food and supplies. There’s been limited food to hunt as it’s gotten colder, and once it snows, there’ll be even less.

King had scoped the woods all morning and afternoon. There are no hunters or farmers who will shoot at him to help the woman. The nearest cottage is three miles away.

She picks up her backpack before placing one strap over her shoulder and taking a few steps. King keeps within striking distance. The jays and blackbirds go quiet, and the woman senses something wrong and freezes. She turns her head from right to left, searching the woods.

King knows she can’t find him.

About the Author:

Kay Freeman spent the early part of her career as a professional artist. She’s shown her work throughout the United States under her professional name, Kay A. Klotzbach. Kay was a full-time art professor in South Jersey for over twenty-three years and was granted a Princeton Mid-Career Fellowship for her teaching and her community based service learning projects.

Kay decided to pursue her passion for writing after her manuscript, Truth Moon, was selected by Romance Writers of America’s RAMP program in 2021, which led to the publication of her debut novel, Truth Moon, by The Wild Rose Press. Kay has gone on to self-publish six other novels. 

Kay has won several awards for her writing. In 2022 Hitman’s Honey won third place in Mid Atlantic Author Society’s Romance Contest and in 2024, her novel Leather Man was one of three finalists in Passionate Ink’s Passionate Plume Contemporary Short Category. Her novel The Flower Queen topped Amazon’s Best Seller List, climbing to number eleven in June 2023 in the Historical Romance, 20th Century category. Kay is celebrated for crafting hard-won happily ever-afters that involve spiritual journeys and transformations for her characters. 
She also writes a publication for romance authors, What Do Romance Authors Think About, a free newsletter on Substack. Besides her passion for art, reading, and writing, she loves the blues, tequila, and her husband Barry. Kay lives in Wilmington, DE. 

You can learn more at:

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Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Witch’s Debt by Edward Rollins - Haunted Halloween Spooktacular

Of Women Wronged: Hillbilly Hauntings

The days grow shorter, the air turns crisp, and something deep within us all knows that the world is changing. Halloween draws near and with it a thinning of the Curtain this world from the next, allowing haints – restless spirits – to slip closer by than they were on brighter days. 

No part of the world is without tales of restless spirits; stories of the sorrow, anger, or injustice endured by the living. In Japan they tell of the onryō, wrathful spirits devoted to revenge against the living. In Mexico, they talk of La Llorona, who wander the water’s edge, mourning the loss of their children. Across Europe they speak of the White Lady, symbols of betrayal and life cut short. When it comes to tales of lost love and betrayal, my beloved West Virginia isn’t without a tale or two of its own.  

We tell the tales of Zona Heaster Shue, Screaming Jenny, the Weeping Woman of Sweet Springs, Kate Carpenter, and our own White Lady of Flat Top Manor. Each a spirit bound by sorrow, betrayal, or unfinished business. Let’s take a moment and remember each, but take care, it’s said that people die twice, once when their heart beats its last, and again when someone speaks their name for the final time.  

In Greenbrier County they tell the tale of Zona Heaster Shue who - in 1897 - was found dead under questionable circumstances. Her husband, Erasmus, was quick to claim she had died peacefully. Zona’s mother wasn’t having it. She claimed that Zona's ghost began to visit her in the dead of night, accusing Erasmus of murdering her by snapping her neck. Confronted with the charges, a local judge ordered Zona’s body exhumed, and the evidence of Erasmus’ guilt was revealed. Erasmus was convicted of the crime, but Zona’s spirit still didn’t rest. She is said to haunt Greenbrier County still, a chilling reminder that justice isn’t bound by the grave. 

In Jefferson County we find a different sort of tale. There, when wind moans through the trees and the moon lights the ground just so, it’s said that you can hear the pain filled screams of a woman long dead. Screaming Jenny, a local woman who died in pain and terror. It was a cold night in autumn when Jenny, poor and living in an abandoned railroad shack, tried to warm herself by a fire. Somehow, her clothes were set ablaze and, in her panic, she ran screaming and blind in search of relief. She ran right onto the railroad tracks and into the path of an oncoming train. Locals maintain that now and then the figure of Screaming Jenny - still engulfed in flames – can be seen running through the night. Her ghostly shrieks a reminder of her final, desperate moments. 

From the tranquil beauty of Monroe County comes a tale of another ghostly presence born of sorrow and despair. Known as the Weeping Woman of Sweet Springs, it’s said that she was a bride abandoned at the altar or perhaps a grieving mother who lost her child. Whatever the case, the young woman fell beneath the weight of her broken heart, and cast herself into the spring where she drowned. But she wouldn’t have a place on our list if that was the end for her. It’s said that she still wanders, a ghostly figure draped in a flowing white gown, her soft sobbing proof that some heartache is too deep to fade, even in death.

From Mercer County and the grounds of an old plantation known as Flat Top Manor comes the tale of the White Lady of Flat Top Manor, a restless spirit whose tragic story is tangled in the past. Some say she was the young bride of the manor’s original owner; others maintain that she was a servant who died at her master’s hand. In either case, it is agreed by those who believe, that her life was cut short by violence. Witnesses maintain that the air goes frigid long before her shadowy figure - fleeting and ethereal – is seen gliding through the manor's hallways or lingering at the edge of the woods. The truth of it is left to you, but the accounts of witnesses and investigators alike have gone a long way to make Flat Top Manor's reputation as one of the most haunted locations in the State.

Silent and still, the Greenbrier River flows through Summers County like an apparition itself. It’s a peaceful scene as beautiful as any faery tale picture, but its waters gave birth to a tale of lost love and lingering sorrow. Kate Carpenter was a young woman deeply in love with the wrong man. Her family opposed her choice of suitor and refused her their blessing. Unwilling to either set aside her love or go against her kin, Kate threw herself into the river and drowned the dark, icy waters. But as is the case in these tales, neither the depths of the river nor the touch of death could quiet Kate’s restless spirit. She lingers near the place where she left this world, a spectral form barely visible on misty mornings walking the riverbanks. For Kate, death was better than the absence of the man she loved. 

This Halloween, when autumn leaves rustle in a cold wind, remember the story of these women as you sip your pumpkin-spiced drink. Their stories are the echoes of unimaginable loss and suffering, and they leave us to wonder—what would we do if faced with such sorrow? Would we find peace, or would our spirits, too, be bound to the places where our hearts were broken? But let’s remember as well that these spirits weren’t content to shuffle off the mortal coil the first time. Speaking their names again – breathing life into their memory - might be enough to remind them what binds them to this world.


The Witch’s Debt
Coal Mountain Series
Book One
Edward Rollins

Genre: Contemporary Fantasy
Date of Publication: October 1, 2019
ASIN: 1689808853
Number of pages: 392
Word Count: 97.376
Cover Artist: Katherine Rollins

Tagline: If you like witches, werewolves, and murder, this is the book for you.

Book Description: 

When the ghost of Jake Calhoun's grandmother delivers a cryptic message to him, he's drawn back to the mountains of southern West Virginia, where he finds himself on a collision course with the consequences of his past, the strained family ties that drove him to run, and the woman he left behind. 

Though he longs to return to the life he's made for himself in the city, a string of deaths forces him to decide who he will be, where he belongs, and how he will stop whoever is killing those closest to him.

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"You all right, Buck?" He set his coffee on the small table there as he took more of my weight than I intended.  

"Yeah," I lied. "Bit of a headache." I couldn't look him in the eye. "I need to check on something. Be right in."  

"Sure you're gonna be all right?" Dad picked up his coffee as I took my weight again.  

“I’ll live.” I nodded and started toward the sitting room. I steeled myself against the pain I knew was coming and pushed my senses into the Curtain once again.  

The little room off the chapel was packed with overstuffed couches and an ottoman which could double for a bed. I could see just clearly enough to avoid tripping, but it made finding the cat a challenge. I moved from piece to piece, looking behind and under each. There was no sign of it. It could have left through the chapel but I wasn't ready to accept that it had. It was bothersome enough it was inside the church. I didn't want to consider what it would mean if the thing could move across the consecrated ground of the chapel.  

"Lose something?" Bonnie asked from the doorway.  

Frustrated and defeated, I gave her a weak smile and let go of my view into the Curtain.

"Hello, Bonnie."  

She stepped into the room, her coat and purse left behind somewhere. She wore a pained smile on her lips. "That the best you have for me?"  

There were people in this town I didn't care to spare a kind word, Bonnie wasn't one of them. She'd done nothing but love me.  

I stopped fighting the smile she had always put on my face and replied, "Well if it isn't Bonnie Blankenship, the prettiest girl at Pineville High. How are things, Ms. Blankenship?"  

"Much better,” her smile touched her eyes and she stepped in close.  

About the Author:

As a kid in elementary school, Edward Rollins hated to read. Hated it…

Then his grandfather, who knew Edward loved the Adam West "Batman" series, introduced him to Batman comic books, the rest is nerd history. From those early comics he went on to consume a steady diet of books from fantasy to science fiction. Eventually, he found a little game called Dungeons and Dragons and a lifetime of telling stories was born.

He’s been a sailor, a soldier, a pastor, an engineer and a college professor; sometimes all at once. Mostly, he hopes to know what he wants to be when he grows up. Assuming he agrees to grow up…
A writer since college, he has published a handful of short stories and gaming industry pieces over the years. "The Witch's Debt" is his first attempt at writing “something of his own”.

Edward has lectured in convention and collegiate circles on the topics of gaming simulations, fantasy world building and theology in fantasy settings. He is a fan of 1920s pulp and science fiction as well as the 1950s aesthetics of Raygun Gothic and Atom-Punk.

While he lives in central Ohio with his wife and two incredible young adults – all three of which make him proud -- his heart will always be in West Virginia.

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Immortal Wounds by Angie Barton - Haunted Halloween Spooktacular


I LOVE baking, especially around the holidays! 

Every October I make these amazing double chocolate  chip cookies and it’s easy to say that they are a hit  with both children and adults! They are soft and chewy  with just the right amount of chocolate, but it’s the candy eyeballs that are the star of the show!

• ½ cup unsalted butter, room temperature
• ½ cup granulated sugar
• ½ cup dark brown sugar, packed
• optional: black food coloring
• 1 large egg
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 1 cup all-purpose flour
• ½ cup + 2 Tbsp. Hershey’s Special Dark Cocoa Powder
• 1 teaspoon baking soda
• ¼ teaspoon salt
• 2 Tbsp. milk
• 1 1/2 cups chocolate chips (I use semi-sweet)
• Candy Eyeballs for topping the cookies


1. Preheat oven to 350˚ F. Line baking sheets with parchment paper. Using an electric mixer, combine the butter and sugars. You can add black food coloring at this time to get a deeper shade of black in the cookies. Beat together on medium-high speed until light and fluffy, 2-3 minutes. Blend in the egg and vanilla, scrape down the bowl if needed.

2. In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, and salt. Slowly add the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients in the mixer on low speed just until mixed. Mix in the milk on the lowest speed and fold in the chocolate chips.

3. Roll about 2 tablespoons of dough into balls and place on the baking sheets. Flatten slightly. Top cookies with candy eyeballs. 

Place cookie sheet in freezer for 10-15 minutes.

4. Bake for 10-11 minutes. Let cool on the baking sheets for about 5 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. ENJOY!

Immortal Wounds
Immortal Wounds Series
Book One
Angie Barton

Genre: Fantasy/Historical Fiction/Magical Realism
Publisher: Angie Barton 
Date of Publication: April 22, 2022
ISBN: 979-8990647206
Number of pages: 392
Word Count: 93,000
Cover Artist: Donnell McKenzie

Tagline: Did Isobel make an error in landing in the wrong time, or was it part of her destiny?

Book Description: 

After witnessing the brutal deaths of her mother and husband, Isobel overhears a confession from one of the murderers, a ruthless vampire who claims to be her father. For fear that she and her unborn daughter’s death could come next, Isobel uses the only magic she possesses and summons a portal to take her two hundred years in the past to revisit an ancestor in Scotland who she believes may know the truth of her parentage. However, in her haste, Isobel lands in the wrong century. Before she realizes her mistake, she stumbles upon a family: a ferocious Highland warrior and his two sisters.

Isobel could not have prepared herself for what she discovers during her stay: the vampire who claimed to be her father, alive three hundred years in the past! With the help of Meg, the youngest sister, and Mariam, both women’s ancestor, Isobel finds herself belonging in a world she never dreamed of—one entangled with vampires and webbed with revenge, curses, and a prophecy that has dictated all of their lives for the last four hundred years. 

Did Isobel make an error landing in the wrong time, or was it part of her destiny?

About the Author: 

Award winning author, Angie Barton, published her first novel, Immortal Wounds, in 2022. Angie’s love for writing centers around the fantasy genre, but she also enjoys writing thriller and romance. Her passion for reading, which led to her love of writing, began in elementary school with the Scholastic Book program. Her parents, who are life-long avid readers, have been a huge influence on her reading. Therefore anything and everything Angie could get her hands on she read.

Angie has been an early childhood educator since 1986 and hold a B.S. in Child Development. Her love for literacy has continued throughout her career, not only for herself, but also with the children she has cared for and taught. What Angie is most passionate about is helping others discover the excitement that reading brings. Her greatest desire in writing is to create and bring joy and entertainment to everyone she touches.

Currently, if Angie isn't reading at least three books at a time or working on a rough draft for her next book, she can be found outdoors gardening, woodworking, or relaxing by her pond. She shares that she's a Capricorn, tried and true, drinks way too much tea, and that her "to be read" pile of books can spike at any time.

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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

A Prophecy Awakened by Angie Barton - Haunted Halloween Spooktacular

Vampire Punch

I LOVE all things vampire and I LOVE to host!
Planning and setting up the décor is just as much fun as the event itself, and this punch looks great on the table!

It is perfect for Halloween parties and can be made for  kids or adults! It’s the perfect blend of sweet and tart, and its deep red color makes it both fun and delicious! 

*If you’re familiar with using dry ice, it can be added for a spooky effect!


• 2 liters ginger ale or club soda, or lemon lime soda (Sprite or 7Up)
• 1 quart black cherry juice
• 2 pints (32 ounces) Pomegranate Juice 
• 16 ounces frozen cherries 
• alcohol your choice (I typically add Vodka)

1. Combine the juices and ginger ale together in a large punch bowl. If you are using alcohol, add it now.
2. Add the frozen cherries and stir.
3. Serve with ice and any decorations you may have for your spooky punch! I’ve used plastic vampire teeth and my guests thought it looked “fang-tastic!”

A Prophecy Awakened
Immortal Wounds Series
Book Two
Angie Barton

Genre: Fantasy Fiction/Magical Realism
Publisher: Angie Barton 
Date of Publication: June 13, 2024
ISBN: 979-8990647220
Number of pages: 448
Word Count: 104,000
Cover Artist: Donnell McKenzie

Tagline: The time has come for the two worlds to collide the prophecy has spoken.

Book Description: 

Family. Destiny. Magic. Lore.

Forced to leave behind her only known family, on the night of her eighteenth birthday Charlotte Delgado flees through the invisible veil that has granted her safety since birth, with only an age-old diary to guide her. Given less than a day to read the four-hundred year-old tales scripted amongst its pages, she barely understands the predetermined path her ancestor writes of, let alone believes it.

However, despite the dangers the journal warns of—supernatural creatures that will hunt her along her journey—it’s the ominous twist of fate that surrounds the last bloodline witch in her family that fills Charlotte with the most fear.

Is she that witch or merely a pawn moving the prophecy forward?

About the Author: 

Award winning author, Angie Barton, published her first novel, Immortal Wounds, in 2022. Angie’s love for writing centers around the fantasy genre, but she also enjoys writing thriller and romance. Her passion for reading, which led to her love of writing, began in elementary school with the Scholastic Book program. Her parents, who are life-long avid readers, have been a huge influence on her reading. Therefore anything and everything Angie could get her hands on she read.

Angie has been an early childhood educator since 1986 and hold a B.S. in Child Development. Her love for literacy has continued throughout her career, not only for herself, but also with the children she has cared for and taught. What Angie is most passionate about is helping others discover the excitement that reading brings. Her greatest desire in writing is to create and bring joy and entertainment to everyone she touches.

Currently, if Angie isn't reading at least three books at a time or working on a rough draft for her next book, she can be found outdoors gardening, woodworking, or relaxing by her pond. She shares that she's a Capricorn, tried and true, drinks way too much tea, and that her "to be read" pile of books can spike at any time.

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