Sunday, March 15, 2015

Giveaway and Angelfire Series Vlog with Ami Blackwelder

Angel Codes
AngelFire Chronicles
Book 3
Ami Blackwelder

Genre: Paranormal Romance, Angel suspense

Publisher: Eloquent Enraptures Publishing

Date of Publication: March 14, 2015


Number of pages: 258
Word Count: 80,000

Cover Artist: Ami Blackwelder

Book Description:

After Kian has been kidnapped by his demon sister Dumah, he falls into a spiral of good vs evil and must overcome all of Dumah’s cruel games or face loosing himself to the darkness. 

Ali must learn to be strong without Kian at her side to save him, to save her friends and family, and to save Manhattan. While Lucianda mends her broken heart after the death of Jacob, Molly and Jen must also come to terms with this Otherworld that exists under their noses. 

Will Ali save Kian? Will their love survive? Find out in this final book, the conclusion to the AngelFire Chronicles series. 

Available at Amazon

 Get it free March 20 and 21

Regular Price $4.99

April 1 the book will be just $1.99
Excerpt Ali POV         
     Sunday morning, I sat in the cafe where I’d first talked with Kian last year. I recalled his face that day; so regal and yet so accessible, his hazel eyes and vibrant skin. Then, images of him from the Angelfire house just yesterday flooded my heavy mind. His skin looked so taut and pale, his face hid underneath growing stubble, his eyes so empty—and his lips—God, those lips with protruding teeth. A shiver rushed down my spine. Then I felt warm. 
     The seat where we all sat felt strangely warm, like Nathaniel took care of the place. The thought made me smile. As I surveyed the cafe, my eye caught the waitress who I remembered speaking to about Tommy Bachelor’s iPhone, the phone that took me down a spiral of events that completely changed my life.
     “Ali! Long time, no see.” The waitress grinned from ear to ear and fixed her name tag. “So, what will it be?”
     “Curly fries and mozzarella sticks, please.” 
     “Coming right up.” Her hair bounced behind her as she turned around and headed for the kitchen. Then, Krysta walked in with Andre, Molly, and Astrid, with a chime from the door. They aimed for the same table.
     “Hope we aren’t too late,” Krysta commented and slid in next to me on my left. “This was a great choice for hanging out. Just like old times, almost.” 
     “You’ve all come here before?” Astrid asked in a timid voice, taking the end seat to my right.
     Molly interjected. “Well, not Andre.” She elbowed him lightly before throwing her arm around his neck as the two sat side by side across from me. “Ali, me and Jen used to come here all the time. We loved the…” she said, eyeing the curly fries, “the curly fries!” She grabbed a few with her fingers and piled them into her mouth. “Ahhh!”

About the Author:

Ami Blackwelder is a Paranormal and SciFi author. Her stories range from Tween & YA to Adult. Growing up in Florida, she graduated UCF and in 1997 received her BA in English and additional teaching credentials. Then she packed her bags and travelled overseas to teach in Thailand, Nepal, Tibet, China and Korea. Thailand is considered her second home now.

She has always loved writing and wrote poems and short stores since childhood; however, her novels began when she was in Thailand. Having won the Best Fiction Award from the University of Central Florida (Yes, The Blair Witch Project University), her short fiction From Joy We Come, Unto Joy We Return was published in the on campus literary magazine: Cypress Dome and remains to this day in University libraries around the USA.

Later, she achieved the semi-finals in a Laurel Hemingway contest and published a few poems in the Thailand’s Expat magazine, and an article in the Thailand’s People newspaper. Additionally, she has published poetry in the Korea’s AIM magazine, the American Poetic Monthly magazine and Twisted Dreams Magazine.

1 comment:

Amy Blackwelder said...

Thank u for having me. Readers comments I'll try to answer.