Friday, September 2, 2022

The Girl From Saint Petersburg by Joyana Peters #HistoricalFiction

Writing with Kids - How do you juggle family life and writing?

It’s funny how often I get asked this question. The honest answer is I don’t exactly know. Give up sleep…lol? No, seriously, it’s definitely a regular exercise in patience, balance and carving out time in unorthodox places.

Here are a few Dos and Don’ts I learned along the way:

Do be patient with yourself-  While I was writing my first novel, The Girl in the Triangle, I still had extremely young children. One was even a newborn at the time! With that in mind, I had to be patient with myself and accept the fact that completion might take longer than I’d like.

But don’t let yourself off the hook entirely! There is a fine balance here between setting realistic goals and making excuses to walk away. Life with kids (and well, life in general) IS chaotic. It is extremely tempting to give up on writing. One less thing on the plate! But as much as we’d like to believe that things will get easier when we just get to ____ fill in the blank milestone here, it usually doesn’t. This is why it’s even more important to fight those urges and just get your butt in the chair and get some words on the page to keep the momentum going!

Do carve out time whenever you can! I joked about giving up sleep earlier, but you might need to set your alarm earlier or stay up a bit later to grab some quiet time to write. I got up at dawn every day for years to complete my first book. It was the only time I had since my kids were too young to attend school yet. Now it’s grabbing some time in the car while my daughter is inside at ballet class or my son is at swim team.

Do find an accountability partner if you can. One of the best things I did was find a critique group. It would have been so easy to put off my writing time as life got hectic. But knowing I had pages due to turn in to my group kept me accountable. In some of the more crazy times we even did morning check-ins when we had to drop off a text to each other just reporting that our butt was in the seat! It really helped!

Don’t give up! One of my favorite quotes is by the writer, Gretchen Rubin. She says, “The days are long, but the years are short.” This really is soo true! Time flies by. Our children grow and our own time to fulfill our goals grows smaller as well. So don’t waste it! Let go of your expectations, excuses and need for quiet. Put on headphones and crank out a few sentences while your kid bounces on the couch next to you! (As I did to get this post written lol.)

There will always be an excuse not to write. But, the curse and the benefit of writing is that it is a solitary craft. So, therefore, if you want it, it’s up to you to make it happen! Good luck and I hope to someday see your completed words on the page!

The Girl From Saint Petersburg
An Industrial Historical Fiction Series
Book One
Joyana Peters

Genre: Historical Fiction
Publisher: Amaryllis Press
Date of Publication: July 25th, 2022
ISBN: 978-1736937327
Number of pages: 122 pages
Word Count: 25,482 words
Cover Artist: Domini Dragoone

Tagline: Sacrifice, Starvation and Survival. What will she do to stay alive?

Book Description: 

Russia, 1905: Thirteen-year-old Ruth dreams of growing up to marry the boy next door and living peacefully ever after. But when he and her father are forced to flee to America after the Bloody Sunday Massacre, Ruth and the other female members of the family are left behind amid the violence and chaos of revolutionary Russia. Overcoming violence and hunger with a strength she never knew she possessed, Ruth resolves to do what it takes to keep her mother and sister alive—whether it be work, beg or steal.

Then she lands herself in a predicament that threatens to put her own neck in a noose. This time she may not be able to keep them all safe, at least not without sacrificing their love for her and all that makes life worth living.

In this prequel to the award-winning novel, The Girl in the Triangle, author, Joyana Peters, portrays a tight-knit family fighting to endure at a precarious and crucial time in Jewish history. Join the countless readers who can’t get enough of Ruth and her story.

What Readers and Critics are Saying:

★★★★★ "That is what historical fiction does for a reader, a slice of history wrapped up in a compelling story that teaches and makes us reflect on the words and our own lives in the stream of time." - Historical Fiction Press Awards

★★★★★ "An immigration story at the finest level, revealing the depths of tragedy many went through leaving a country of unspeakable suffering." - D.K. Marley

About the Author:

Joyana Peters is the Indie author of the best-selling novel, The Girl in the Triangle. The Girl in the Triangle won the SCBWI's YA Spark Honor Award, the IBPA’s Ben Franklin Award for Historical Fiction, the Book Excellence Award for Multicultural Fiction and was a Top Five Finalist for Shelf Unbound’s Indie Best Book of the Year.

Joyana got her MFA in Creative Writing from the University of New Orleans in 2014. She has taught literature and composition on both the secondary and university levels. She also writes non-fiction and has been published in digital and print publications nationwide.

Joyana currently lives in Northern Virginia where she takes in the sights of DC with her two kids, husband, and goofy Yellow Lab, Gatsby.

You can follow her adventures at: 

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1 comment:

Joyana Peters said...

Thank you so much for posting this and for participating in my book tour! It was a pleasure to participate in this interview with you. I hope it inspires some other writer parents out there! Have a great weekend!