Tuesday, July 14, 2020


Today I am joined by a fascinating guest. He comes to us from an entirely different plane of reality. His world is called Eluramance and his name is Zethras. Welcome, Zethras.

Greetings and thank you for having me. It has been a unique pleasure visiting your home, Earth.

Please describe for the audience your appearance; I imagine they will be somewhat surprised.

Gladly. I stand one hundred and seventy-eight centimetres tall, or five feet ten inches for those who go by that system. I have somewhat pale skin and delicate but robust features. However, the thing you would probably notice first is my hair, which is shoulder length and stark white. The sclera, irises, and pupils of my eyes glow a bright red colour. Finally, you would notice that I am carrying a long hammer, the head of which resembles a blacksmith's hammer. It is a deep shade of carmine red and I carry it with me wherever I go. However, I have mostly hidden it while I have been here on Earth.

So Zethras, you have been here on Earth for six months, travelling our world and learning about it. Tell us about your impressions.

I have. The first two months were quite informative; I got to meet all manner of people in my travels, though I admit that having to utilize your strange flying machines was frustrating.
Why is that? Airplanes have made travel for us much more convenient, giving global access to the majority of people.
Where I come from, there are great rivers of magical energy that span the entirety of my home; they branch out and spread into a web of magic that suffuses everything. A sufficiently skilled — and powerful — practitioner of magic can travel upon the largest of these Ley-lines from point to point nearly instantly. So you can imagine that waiting at an aero port for hours seems a little slow to me.
I suppose it would when you put it like that. Now, you mentioned that the first two months were quite informative, but what about the other four?
In the middle of your month of March, I was in the region known as France, specifically the city of Paris - a beautiful town, by the way - enjoying a midday meal when one of those scrying boards... 
Scrying? Hmm, do you mean television?
Yes, that's what you call them. When one of those… televisions began relaying a message of a sickness spreading throughout your world and everything began shutting down. Inside of a week, it was almost impossible to travel anywhere expediently. Since nearly everyone had started taking shelter at home in fear of this sickness, I decided to take shelter myself - not that I needed to, mind you, since diseases have no hold over me, but to protect everyone else.
I would imagine that it must have been quite dull for you.
It was, but then again, when you've lived as long as I have, a few months pass by nearly unnoticed. I spend most of my time listening to these televisions talk about world events, and there is certainly no shortage of that.
If I might be so bold to make an assumption?
I suspect your opinion of Earth has dropped somewhat, considering what has been in the news recently?
Hmm, I wouldn't say that per se. Being partially human myself, I can - at the very least - understand what is going on.
How do you mean?
When I was very young, I faced a lot of ridicule and discrimination, because of how different my peers perceived me to be.
I take it that white hair and glowing red eyes are not particularly common in Eluramance?
Those features hadn't even appeared yet; I still looked like a typical human at the time. It wasn't until one of my tormentors brought up a rather touchy subject, causing me to lash out and hurt him - rather severely - that my hair and eyes changed.
No, they simply knew of my mother, who was, by all accounts, a powerful woman indeed. Yet she died giving birth to me, which caused my father to take me to live with his family and leave. They all saw me as a bad omen, yet they did not hate me; they were afraid of me.
How did you cope with that?
I set out to do good in the world by helping the helpless, curing the incurable, teaching those who sought me out. It took a while but, eventually, people began seeing me as a force of good and not someone to be feared. Now I am nearly universally recognized and respected.
To broach another branch of the concepts of discrimination and racism, and consistent with the news reported in recent weeks, how does your criminal justice system work in Eluramance? For example, is it difficult to handle people who are capable of feats of magic?
That has a slightly complicated answer. Eluramance has a two-sided system which separates crimes that are mundane from crimes of a magical nature. When non-magical crimes occur, the perpetrator in question is apprehended by the city guard and their sentence is rendered by an elected official of the city where the crime occurred. Simple, right? Well, the tricky part is when a magical crime takes place.
I would imagine so.
When children show that they have magical capabilities, their parents enrol them in the Academy of Magic. This institute has existed in Eluramance in one form or another for thousands and thousands of years. There, the students are educated in a wide array of subjects, much like Earth's elementary school system though, coincidentally, they are not taught any magic. Most importantly, the students are taught a rigid sense of moral "goodness." That is to say, they are taught how to become good people so that when they graduate, they are much less likely to become a menace to society. However, despite the Academy's best efforts, a small number of students become problems out in the world. 

When a magical crime occurs, the incident is reported to the elected officials of the city or town where it took place. The report gets delivered to the nearest Temple - the place where Academy graduates go to learn their magic - where it is reviewed by the senior members of the Temple and bounties are then issued. In Eluramance, magic users - called "mancers" in our language - may choose to lawfully operate outside of the Temple, using their magic to serve the people of Eluramance. One such way of helping the people of Eluramance is the work taken on by mercenary companies. Mancers that offer their services either to a province for work as a bounty hunter (chasing down magically gifted criminals and such) or other, more gentle actions, such as visiting fringe towns and cities curing the sick or helping struggling farming families harvest their crops, for example.

But I digress. Once a criminal mancer is apprehended alive - which is more uncommon than not - authorities give the misguided mancers three choices by the law. They may choose their punishment. Their first option is for the criminal to either repair, replace, or otherwise undo their crime. A second option would involve having the criminal's magic removed from their body and being jailed for some time or, if the offence is severe enough, execution.
Can you give us some examples of crimes that would warrant each of those punishments?
Indeed. I recall one incident of a Cryomancer - a mancer who uses ice magic - disgruntled with a family in one of the small towns in Hydro Province. He made it snow on their crops for a week in the middle of summer, causing the entire crop to die. Subsequently, he was apprehended and his sentence was to re-sow the fields he had destroyed by hand. After a few days of this hard labour, his outlook had mellowed significantly and he became a prominent Cryomancer. 
For the punishment of having one's magic severed, I distinctly recall an incident regarding a Luxmancer - a light magic user - who tried to undo a past event by directly altering the timeline, which is strictly forbidden as it has the potential to cause all sorts of catastrophic events. He didn't even need to be apprehended as the appropriate authorities were present. His magic was summarily severed and he was banished from the Temple.
Most things you would consider on Earth to be worthy of execution have parallels in Eluramance though, from what I've gathered, that is a contentious subject from society to society. Regardless, violent crimes such as murder and rape have a zero-tolerance policy. Those convicted of it rarely make it back because the mercenaries typically have to kill them to stop them as they don't come willingly. There are crimes for which there are no equivalents on Earth, such as the practice of blood magic, which also has a zero-tolerance policy.
*At this point, Zethras exhales sharply, as he has been speaking for minutes on end, and reaches for the glass of water sitting on the table, which he sniffs.*
I am relieved that this water doesn't smell like some of the water I've partaken of in the big cities; it tastes like chlorinated lime. While we're discussing large towns, there is a foul miasma of toxic gases that hangs over many of them, although some are worse than others (such as parts of China, India, and also here in your country).
It is a huge problem. Many of the countries of the world are doing their best by taking steps to clean our atmosphere. The most prominent contributors aren't making concerted efforts, mainly because the businesses that produce the fuels that power the machines don't want their profits to plummet.
But what about their children or their grandchildren? Don't they care that if they don't take drastic steps soon, there won't be a place for them to live?
Judging by their actions, their only concern seems to be their monetary wealth.
That's profoundly ignorant; I hope for all your sakes that something changes, and quickly.
Indeed it is. And so do I. I am rather fond of our little blue planet.
I will say though, that despite all these negative things I've seen over the past four months - especially that leader from the south half of North America - who can't seem to squeeze a single drop of truth from between his lips to save his life, most of what I've seen has been incredible.
Overall, your world has an enormous amount of love shared between people from all across your world. Love and respect are fundamental in Eluramance; it was by the love of our creator that we came into being and we show that in countless ways. In Eluramance, love is ubiquitous and not anchored to one specific ideology or way of thinking; all love is beautiful and precious and celebrated in all forms. As it appears to be happening right now, I see your televisions refer to it as "Pride Month."
That's right; it is the celebration of love and respect between all of Earth's people.
That is a beautiful reason for celebration. In Eluramance, celebrating love in such a festive way would be like celebrating having a pair of hands.
Would you elaborate on that?
Love for those in Eluramance is so ingrained into our beings, so profound in its ubiquitousness, and thus open-heartedly accepted, that if we were to throw a party for it, it would never end. 
One final question for you. You mentioned in a previous question "when you'd lived as long as I have..." , it piqued my curiosity. Would it be inappropriate to ask your age?
Hahaha, not at all. I just don't think you'll believe me. Hmm, let me see. Based on the number of hours for Earth's daily rotation and the number of days in your yearly cycle, I am one hundred thousand, eight hundred and forty-two years old. Give or take a month or two.
*At this time, the Interviewer's jaw opens slightly, and she tilts her head to the side, as if deciding whether or not Zethras was joking.*
I told you - even in my world, that's a very, very long time to be alive.
You must have countless stories to tell, having been alive for so long.
Indeed I do.
That's about all the time we have for now, Zethras. Do you have any final thoughts to share with the people of Earth?
*Zethras seems to stare past the interviewer, his red eyes looking to make contact with yours, the reader.*
Remember, love is unconquerable.
And one more thing, for you.
*Zethras reaches into his coat pocket and removes a round, deep red garnet about the size of an almond and slides it across the table towards the interviewer.*
What is this?
One of the many stories that you guessed I carry with me. Simply hold it in your hand, extend your thoughts towards it, and it will show you.
After another few seconds, Zethras waved his hand slightly and a crackling red portal appeared behind him. With an inclination of his head, he stepped through the portal, which closed behind him. The interviewer stared at the gemstone, wondering what it might contain.

Eluramance Chronicles
Book One
Lucas Ryan Maloney

Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: FriesenPress
Date of Publication:
Number of pages: 342
Word Count: 91,727

Cover Artist: Bryan Maloney

Book Description:

A war is brewing between demonic forces and the peoples of Eluramance...

Lessia has always wanted to be a mancer, one of the great magic-wielders of Eluramance. Her wish comes true when, in an act of desperation, she performs her first act of magic and is granted admission to the Academy of Magic.

There, she learns the skills and discipline to use her gifts for the sake of good. Upon graduation, Lessia intends to dedicate her life to the study of magic. But when her class is killed by demons and her best friend taken, Lessia is instead thrust into the war between Eluramance’s forces of good and Zavus’ evil army of demons.

Each of the races of Eluramance brings their own unique prowess to the field of battle. For the dwarves, their strength; the elves, their wisdom; the orcs, their might; the humans, their drive, and the Drakonics, their ancient connection to the powers that forged the world, and the magics of those ancient ones. As for Lessia, a seeming no-one caught between these dangerous powers, what can she possibly wield to protect her home from the forces of evil?

Discovering her place in this battle for existence, Lessia journeys through the distinct—and often dangerous—provinces of Eluramance, fighting Zavus’ deadly lieutenants on the path to facing the Dark One himself. With the help of powerful allies, she will battle for the soul of her country—and uncover the true nature of her own exceptional ability.

Download a FREE ARC from the author's site

Excerpt Chapter 10
Light And Shadow

Vaelik stood over Lessia, his evil smile wide. “Stupid girl,” he said. “Your friends sent you here, never intending for you to succeed. They sent you here to die.”
“They would never!” Lessia said with as much defiance as she could muster.
“And yet, here you lie, barely alive and helpless to prevent me from ending your life,” Vaelik said. “However, there is a way for you to not only keep your life but to become so much more powerf—”
Lessia didn’t allow him to finish speaking instead, she spat a globule of blood into his eye. “Keep your offer, demon collaborator,” she said. “I would rather die a thousand times over than become Zavus’ plaything.”
Vaelik’s eyes narrowed. He drew his arrow back, aiming directly at Lessia’s heart.
Suddenly, the green darklight torches extinguished, bathing the chamber in inky darkness. Lessia heard a soft sound, like fabric drawn over a surface, and then a clash of arms, followed by a brief shower of sparks that illuminated Vaelik and his hooded opponent.
On an instinct fuelled by adrenaline, Lessia lashed out with her armoured boot and connected with what felt like a leg, knocking one of the two people to the floor. Someone grabbed her leg. The sensation of displacement without motion overwhelmed her dazed senses for a moment but cleared quickly.
Vaelik yelled a foreign word, and the darklights flared back into existence. Lessia found herself behind one of the crates on the opposite side of the room, next to a hooded woman carrying a curved black short sword.
“Who are you?” Lessia asked softly.
“Like you even have to ask,” the woman said. She pulled her hood down, revealing Marian’s grinning face. “Let’s kill this bastard first,” Marian whispered, holding a hand up, stalling Lessia’s stream of questions. Marian placed a hand on her shoulder, and Lessia felt energy flow into her body, fortifying her.
“I don’t have a weapon,” Lessia said. “I…broke it.”
“Just distract him and cast me some shadows,” Marian said.
Lessia nodded. “Cover your eyes.”
Marian pulled her hood back up and readied her blade. Lessia let out another blinding flash of light, even brighter than before, causing Vaelik to cry out. Lessia stood up and saw Vaelik cringe, so she yelled at him. He blindly launched an emerald green bolt of lightning at her, which she evaded easily. As she rolled away, Lessia emitted a constant aura of light, casting shadows off all the various objects in the room.
As soon as the shadows appeared, Marian rolled into the nearest one and vanished in a puff of black smoke.
“Maneuver it closer to him,” Marian whispered in Lessia’s mind.
“Be ready,” Lessia replied. She peeked around the corner of her cover. The shadow Marian was hiding in was about ten feet away from Vaelik. She knelt and rolled across to another cover, a bolt of lightning missing her by inches.
“Come out, Luxmancer. I promise you won’t suffer,” Vaelik said.
“I know, and I promise you won’t either,” Lessia retorted. She rolled away again and saw the shadow reach Vaelik. Marian reappeared and stabbed her blade into Vaelik’s abdomen, thrusting her face in front of his.
“Light and shadows are never without the other,” Marian said, ripping the blade out and then impaling it up through Vaelik’s chin and through his head, piercing out the top of his skull.
Vaelik’s green eyes dimmed instantly, and his body went limp. Blood poured from all his various stab wounds. Lessia extinguished the bright aura she had produced and conjured an orb of light that floated just below the ceiling. She looked at Marian, who retrieved her weapon from Vaelik’s corpse. Marian grinned, and the two embraced.
“I’m sorry,” Marian said.
Lessia looked at her. “For what? You just saved my life.”
“For trying to kill you, all those months ago,” Marian said. “I just…”
Lessia shushed her with a hand. “I know you weren’t yourself, you had one of Zavus’ demons in you, controlling you. You aren’t to blame.”
“No, Lessia, that is not how it works,” Marian said, on the verge of tears. “The demon spirit doesn’t control you; it enhances whatever attribute your magic has. And as you know, Umbramancy is aligned with pride, and it was that pride that drove me to seek vengeance on the light and you.”
“She speaks the truth,” a voice said. Marian whirled around, her blade ready to strike, but neither she nor Lessia saw anybody.
“Oh, come now, Lightless, you would recognize my voice anywhere,” the voice said. Vaelik’s body suddenly raised, as if it was a puppet on strings. “She wanted so badly to spill your blood that even if I hadn’t told her to do so, she likely would have on her own.”
Marian screamed in frustration and anger, throwing her blade at Vaelik’s possessed corpse, impaling his left eye.
“You defile the very air that carries your words, Zavus,” Marian said, her voice full of venom.
Using Vaelik’s own body, Zavus pulled the dagger from Vaelik’s eye, tearing bits of flesh with it.
“How rude,” Zavus said, “and to think I was going to keep the two of you alive for my experimentation. But I see you’re far too much trouble.”
Two things happened simultaneously. Zavus conjured a black flame tinted with red and green, and Marian grabbed Lessia. Just as the flame fully manifested, Lessia’s vision went dark, and she felt the same odd sensation of displacement without motion.
A split second later, Lessia found herself back in the Temple of Aero, surrounded once again by Zethras and the Drakonics.
“See?” Zethras said. “I told you I could still feel her life force, despite passing from my sight.” He then looked at Marian. “I am, however, surprised to see you. How did you manage to find Lessia where we failed?”
Marian grinned and grasped something hanging around her neck on a silver chain, removed it, and tossed it to Zethras, who caught it.
Zethras opened his hand, revealing a polished silver ring which, upon close inspection, was very faintly sending out a gentle pulse in a particular direction—towards Lessia.
“How…?” Zethras asked. “This needs to be paired with…”
Lessia reached into one of the small pouches on her sword belt and removed Marian’s silver ring, which Morgaen had retrieved for her from the site of the ambush at Mount Lainor. She held it up at eye level between her fingers, and a look of recognition crossed Zethras’ face.
“Evelyn found these rings on one of her early adventures before we met,” Marian said. “They were on an island covered with ancient Elvish ruins. They bear an inscription that reads ‘Meyu-das-shyn’, but neither Evelyn or any of her crew could translate it.”
“Beacons of the heart,” Zethras said. “It has been a long time since I have seen one of these, let alone a bonded pair that still work perfectly.” He looked up from the ring in his palm. “It is an ancient type of Hemomancy that, like so many other things, has been forgotten by most. For the last ten thousand years, elemental magics have become more and more prominent, and Hemomancy has faded into myth and legend. There has not been a new Hemomancer in nearly a thousand years, ever since the Red Twilight tragedy.”
“I recall that name,” Lessia said. “It was in one of my history books, but only as a reference point to other events. What happened?”
“I had learned of a rumour that one of my disciples had been dabbling in a forbidden form of Hemomancy, commonly known as blood magic,” Zethras said.
“Isn’t that redundant?” Lessia asked, confused.
“No,” Zethras said firmly. “Hemomancy, at its most basic level, enhances life energy and then uses that creative force to accomplish a task. Because life itself is not restricted to a single form of thought, that energy can be made to do nearly anything.” He scowled. “Blood magic consumes life energy as a fuel, instead of enhancing it. Blood mages cut themselves, spilling their blood and draining the energy from their bodies, or through sacrificing another. It is the most unholy act one can do, as it desecrates the gift Hemo gave us so many ages ago.” Zethras turned and looked out the window.
“So, I travelled to the Temple of Hemo, which lies in ruins today. I found all but one of my students lying dead, arranged in a circle, drained of all their blood. The murderer spoke to me in a calm tone, saying Hemo had come to him in a vision, that he wanted his followers to join him in his realm. He was to send them to Hemo, for Hemo had chosen him as Hemo’s Scion.”
Scion. The word rang in Lessia’s mind. She remembered what Vaelik had called her—the Scion of Lux.
“What does that mean, Scion?” asked Lessia
It was Morgaen who spoke. “Sometimes, when a child is born with magic, it forms a different kind of bond with them. Ever since the Seven passed from Eluramance, a portion of their power remained, to forever be passed down in the spirits of those who follow their path. These individuals are called Scions. Even though they are not bound to a dragon’s soul like we are,” she said, indicating the Drakonics, “their powers are immense. To complement this, they wield their respective fragment.”
“How often do they appear?” Lessia asked.
“One hundred years after the previous one dies,” Zethras said.
“When did the last Scion of Lux die?” Lessia asked, expecting another specific answer. What happened surprised her.
Zethras stood very still, almost unnaturally so, and a red aura surrounded him as if wreathed in flames. He glanced over his shoulder, and Lessia saw his eyes dim and narrow.
The four Drakonics raised their weapons and Zethras looked at them. He closed his eyes and shook his head, like a bear trying to disperse a swarm of bees. A portal opened beneath his feet and he fell through it, closing it as he passed through.
“Did I say something wrong?” Lessia asked cautiously. The four Drakonics looked at each other.
“Emotions run deep within the Blood Lord,” Conleth said. “He was wed to Grand Paladin Zelwynn, the most recent Scion of Lux.”
“Until she died,” Morgaen said, “killed during a mission just over a year ago, trying to prevent all this from happening.”
“How did…” Lessia began to ask, but Conleth held up a hand to silence her.
“It is not our place to tell you,” he said. “In time, he may tell you himself. But the memory is still too recent, too fresh.”
“Is that what that was?” Lessia asked.
Marak spoke this time. “For as long as we can remember, Zethras has always had two sides. The eternal protector who fights for every life that is and will be is the version of him that everyone knows, either personally or through the legends he leaves scattered through the long winding path of history.” He touched the glowing orange Dragonstone in the centre of his chest plate. “Our bond-mates were still comparatively young when Zethras was born, and he has—according to our ancestral memories—not changed at all since he’s known them.”
“But, like all things, he has a darker side,” Morgaen said, “When painful memories come back to him, if they are powerful enough, he can lose control. We have come to know it as the Blood Fury.”
“You have seen the craters and gorges of the canyon lands to the south, yes?” Conleth asked, to which Lessia responded by nodding, “That was him, last year. I am sure you felt the quakes too.”
As if on cue, another portal appeared, and Zethras reappeared, his features having returned to normal.
“You know, a thought just occurred to me,” he said. “How could you have possibly known that Zelwynn died?”
“Vaelik said his master told him the Scion of Lux would be sent to stop him and reclaim Raizoth,” Lessia said, “and that was his chance to acquire something he called ‘the beacon of hope.’”
“That is impossible,” Zethras whispered to himself, then held out a hand to Lessia. “Come with me.”
Lessia took his hand, and he opened another portal.
“Where are we going?” Lessia asked.
“To see if the impossible has changed.”

About The Author:

From early childhood, Lucas Ryan Maloney's imagination fueled his love of storytelling. From powerful magic to powerful warp drives, black holes to supernovae and heroes battling villains, Lucas could weave tales that kept children and adults alike enthralled. Through his teens, Lucas fulfilled his quota of shenanigans and embraced a digital lifestyle while studying culinary arts. After several years of pursuing an unfulfilling culinary path, a profound event opened his mind to his true calling.

A few years ago, while walking in a forest contemplating his chosen path, Lucas found himself caught in a thunderstorm. As he pondered, a blinding bolt of lightning and ear-piercing crack of thunder split the sky. Startled, Lucas moved to a nearby clearing, sat down and continued his self-reflection. After three more lightning flashes and thunder claps, Lucas closed his eyes and peered deep into his heart, slowly a vision of himself writing in leather-bound writing journals surfaced.

Lucas says he's not sure how long he sat there in his mindful reprieve and that when he opened his eyes and looked up, the clouds parted revealing blue sky. He smiled knowingly, stood up and headed home.

On the way, Lucas stopped at a stationery store and made a purchase, the first of many.

Lucas resides in Southern Ontario, Canada

1 comment:

James Robert said...

Thanks for sharing your great  book and for the giveaway too.